La sambuca di Damios di Colofone: commento a Bitone 57, 1-61, 1
The paper proposes a comprehensive analysis of the paragraph which Biton, in his work known under the title Construction of Machines of War and Catapults, dedicates to the explanation of the so called σαμβύκη, a kind of scaling ladder on wheels designed by Damios of Kolophon. On the basis of both mechanical and textual considerations the κοχλίας, whose revolving movement produces the oscillation of the ladder, should be interpreted as a cylindrical horizontal roller (like Marsden suggests) and not as a vertical screw (like Lendle thinks). Accordingly, the supporting structure of the machine should be understood much less massive than what has been thought by scholars after Marsden.
Copyright (c) 2022 Francesco Fiorucci
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